Monday, 26 July 2010


It's been a while since I updated this-probably because everything has been going so smoothly with the helmet-and life is as usual hectic! We had an appointment on the 13th July at plagiocare and it all went well. Measurements were made of Thomas' head and amazingly there has been a 3mm improvement already in all of 8days. This equates to an improvement of 18%-Amazing! I was thinking visually his head looked a lot better but just couldn't believe that amount. Holes were also drilled into the helmet to allow his head to lose more heat. Although now his body temperature seems to have regulated to wearing it and he hardly sweats now. A massive relief. His hair has also got really thick through wearing it-which apparently is normal.

But we have all got used to him wearing his helmet and I have to say we don't really notice it anymore.

Thomas still goes to the chiropractor every 6 weeks or so. He was there last week, the first since wearing his helmet. She found quite a lot of tension in the front of his skull and did some cranial work with him. She feels because there is so much movement in the rest of his head through using the helmet the other plates of his skull weren't keeping up and so becoming compressed. She also found tension in his pelvis and he was visibly quite sore in that area. But she was able to release that. She now wants to see Thomas on a more regular basis while wearing his helmet just to keep things right with him.

Our next appointment at Plagiocare is not until the start of September- I really am hoping by that stage he will be finished having to wear the helmet. Fingers crossed!

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